Wednesday, December 21, 2011

E. Coli: The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly

In most circles, a conversation about the potentially harmful E. coli bacteria would probably include spoiled food, upset digestive function, and even death. But, would it surprise you to find out that E. coli is a natural part of the human digestive ecosystem and is not always harmful? The truth is that most E. coli bacteria contribute much to the health of humans and are actually categorized as beneficial bacteria. The problem comes when mutations occur.

The Good Side of E. Coli

Living in large colonies in our gut, E. coli and other beneficial bacteria maintain a harmonious relationship with every human being on Earth. All human beings have a very close symbiotic relationship with E. coli and other microbes that take up residence in our stomach and intestines. Intestinal bacteria begin to multiply and flourish the moment we are born and continue to stay with us for the entirety of our lives. In fact, they are quite necessary for health and we benefit from them in many ways.
Beneficial colonies of bacteria, which include E. coli, help us break down food into usable, digestible molecules of nutrients. Through this process, the bacteria in our gut produce vitamin K– a vitamin that is not readily available from food sources – and some B-complex vitamins. E. coli and other beneficial bacteria also keep the populations of harmful strains more

Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Overindulgence: What to do When You Eat Too Much

To many people, the holidays are a time of temptation enticing them to overindulgence in unhealthful food, but all is not lost just because you blew it at the holiday meal.   Listed here are six no-nonsense tips on how to deal with holiday overindulgences. 

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Holiday Weight Management Strategies

With holiday stress and holiday fare comes holiday weight gain.  This article offers some practical guidelines for managing sweet,seasonal indulgences.  Please purchase usage rights for your blog, website, or newsletter  here.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teen Pregnancy: Risk Factors and Intervention

We like to think of our society as progressive and capable of solving our social ills one problem at a time, but the fact of the matter is that, among industrialized nations, the U.S. leads the way in teen pregnancy.  Currently, 4 out of every 10 girls in the U.S. will become pregnant by their 20th birthday.

What Causes Teen Pregnancy

Aside from the obvious answer of engaging in sex, the factors that contribute to a teen being at-risk for teenage pregnancy can become very complex.  Some of the risk factors include:
* Living in poverty.
* Being the child of a single parent, or being the child of teen parents.
* Being reared in an abusive environment.
* Involvement in drug and alcohol use and abuse.
* Having low self-esteem.
* Poor performance in school.
* Being in multiple foster care homes.
* Ongoing family conflict.
* Lack of parental supervision.

Approaches to Intervention

There have basically been three strategies for bringing down the numbers associated with teen pregnancy since they reached an all-time high in the ‘90’s:
* Abstinence-only educational programs.  The Institute of Medicine reports that of 13 studies done evaluating abstinence-only educational programs, none have had a more

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Collision Between the Teenager and Mid-Life Parents

There are many parents that are, at least, in their late 20’s or early 30’s when they begin having children.  And there is an ever-increasing societal trend to wait even later to start a family.  This puts parents square in the middle of life when their children become preteens and teenagers.  Although more studies are being done, it’s safe to say that part of the problem that parents have in dealing with their teens is, to some extent, exacerbated by their own battle with middle age.

During this period, adolescents are exploring a seemingly limitless future, while, simultaneously, parents in mid-life are feeling the constraints of life.  While your child is searching for freedom, you are busy bearing the brunt of parental, financial, and other responsibilities to the best more

Monday, October 17, 2011

Natural Deodorant: A Better Alternative

Are you paying attention to what goes under your arms? Commercial deodorants contain many toxic chemicals, but there is an alternative. Go natural.

Making the switch to natural beauty and personal care products is probably one of the smartest things you can do for your health. Commercial antiperspirant deodorant, for example, contains some very toxic ingredients. The majority contain one or more of the following:

  • Aluminum. A known neurotoxin, aluminum is what blocks the sweat and is contained in virtually all commercially available anti-perspirants. Unfortunately, aluminum is also one of the prime suspects in the ever-increasing rates of Alzheimer’s and

Read more at Suite101: Natural Deodorant: A Better Alternative |

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Social Media: Understanding It and Finding Balance

There is really nothing all that new about social media sites if you consider that many of them were beginning to grow in popularity in the ’90s.  So why is the question of teens and social media a trending topic now?  The answer may be rooted in the fast advance of technology.

Social media has been around almost as long as the internet itself, but only with the implementation of technological devices and extensive and increased access to broadband internet connections has the ability to network on social media become the norm in homes, offices, and schools.  Now that technology is easier to understand, use, and access, social media is all the rage, especially among teenagers.

As it is with many other issues in society, there are two sides to the social media coin. True also is the fact that it is the limitless access to social media that produces the negative effects.  According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, children and teens are spending upwards of seven hours a day attached to and engaged in some sort of digital device. Over the last decade, there have been numerous studies to confirm more

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Helping Young Children Deal With Stress

Through the eyes of an adult, childhood can seem somewhat carefree and untroubled, but children do experience stress from time to time.  Just the processes involved in growing up can create stress on children.  Stress begins at an early age with social issues, school-related issues, and even family issues that can often be overwhelming to youngsters.  In addition, young children are more vulnerable because they don’t have the experience or coping skills necessary to dissuade the negative effects of stressful situations.  To make matters worse, young children don’t always make the first move to initiate conversations concerning problems they may be having, or issues that may arise, but studies show that children depend on their parents to be extending a helping hand and be involved in every situation.  As a parent, you probably won’t be able more

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Defining the Strong-Willed Child

All children can display willful and defiant behavior on occasion, but with strong-willed children, challenging authority and exhibiting a propensity for stubbornness and persistent inflexibility is an everyday occurrence. As a parent, becoming aware of your child's strong-willed personality will help you understand that they are not necessarily acting out on purpose. In fact, strong-willed children are predisposed to being more self-determined, independent, and tenacious than other more compliant children.

What does it mean to be strong-willed?

A combination of nature and nurture, the strong-willed child has a set of characteristics that sets them apart from other children. Consider the following traits when determining if your little one is of the strong-willed persuasion:

• Persistence. Strong-willed children are goal-directed and it can be very difficult to give up on a project or get them to try something a different way. They have a tendency to have rigid mindsets. This can be advantageous in some respects, but is also a disadvantage in others.

• Inflexibility. All children perform better and are more stable when they have structure in their lives, but strong-willed children have a particular aversion to upset schedules and seem to be thrown off-course when things change.

• High mental or physical energy. Many strong-willed children exhibit extreme creativity and often their minds are running non-stop. This characteristic can be manifest in physical activities such as sport-related activities, dancing, or acting. Alternatively, many strong-willed children exert their energy in mental activities such as drawing, building, or using their imaginations to the extreme.

• Determination. While most children demonstrate determination at certain times, this defining trait is the hallmark of a strong-willed child. This display of unrelenting resolve is what can make a strong-willed child a world-changer. But it is also part of what makes them so difficult to parent.

Are you pushed to your limit? Do you wonder if other parents have as much trouble with their children? Do you sometimes consider that there may be something amiss with your child? Chances are you are dealing with the wonderful world of the willful child. Although there is not much you can do to change it, there is a lot you can do to channel it. Strong-willed children are the ones who mature into adults who have an extra dose of grit and tenacity to effectively make a positive mark on, not only their immediate surroundings, but the entire world.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oxytocin: The Love Hormone and its Role in our Relationships

While several factors contribute to the intricacies of human relationships, there is one very important biochemical factor that must not be overlooked. Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone produced in the hypothalamus. Research done on this hormone suggests that oxytocin is largely responsible for the development of human bonding behavior and the positive loving emotions that we feel in our relationships. Oxytocin may also be responsible for our tendency as humans to desire and establish long-term monogamous relationships.

The “Love Hormone”

Of all mammals only three percent have a tendency toward monogamy. In the animal kingdom, the prairie vole and its cousin, the montane vole, have been studied for their monogamous versus polygamous nature. It seems that these small mice like species are the same in most respects but interestingly, the oxytocin hormone is substantially higher in the prairie vole. Oxytocin has been linked, not only to the prairie vole’s monogamous nature, but to its social behavior such as grooming, defending its nest and the fact that both father and mother care for the young.

What Does Oxytocin Do?

Oxytocin is best known for its functions related to childbirth and the establishment of a mother/child bond. In addition to stimulating the uterus at childbirth, oxytocin promotes the “let down” reflex associated with breastfeeding. In fact, it induces such sensitivity in women that the cry of a baby, even if it is not their own, can cause lactating mothers to release milk. Additionally this hormone invokes maternal behavior and emotions characteristic of nurturing mothers.

Many facets of romantic relationships are affected and, to an extent, determined by oxytocin levels. Engagement in both foreplay and sexual intercourse elevate oxytocin activity which, in turn, often produces an intense emotional feeling of connectedness and attachment. Oxytocin is an essential element for these types of long-term relationship building functions.

Childbirth and romantic interludes are not the only way to increase oxytocin levels. Simply holding hands, nurturing a child or elderly person, or grooming a pet will also raise the level of this powerful hormone. In fact, oxytocin may be one of the reasons that people get physical health benefits from healing processes like massage or psychological benefits from support groups.

Oxytocin seems to be a common ingredient in monogamous relationships as well as the hormone that establishes other emotional connections. From prairie voles to humans, hormones have always played a large part in everything from social to sexual behavior. In humans, oxytocin functions as the natural “love hormone” that has many far-reaching health benefits.

Redefining Success

There is a radical transformation taking place in the U.S. as people from all walks of life are crumbling from stress, fatigue and burnout. Why? They trade time for money and never have enough money, so they attempt to trade more time for more money and so the cycle goes. "More for Less" seems to be the corporate cry issued from a conference call somewhere in a high-rise by a prematurely balding executive in a black, rolling chair. He symbolizes success of a waning generation, while his once faithful and hopeful proteges are increasingly reluctant to climb the ladder, choosing to keep their families instead of their "office with a view". Yes, the monetary rewards are still there waiting for the exchange - time for money - but another commodity is ever diminishing -happiness, purpose and satisfaction. Laborers and middle management - even executives - are asking the question: "How can I be happy and satisfied?"

We've proved as a society over and over again that money alone is not the answer. Look at Hollywood, Nashville, and New York. Noted celebrities are repeatedly headlined for their miserable behavior. Lack of money is not their problem. Screaming fans elevate them to God-like status convincing them of their invincibility. Lack of fame is not their problem. As they sit in a hotel room all alone in Somewhere, America, they ask themselves a question: "How can I be happy and satisfied?"

A growing population of people are answering that question in simple form: "I will be happy with what I have!" What a concept! The Andy Griffith Show comes to mind. With a sense of community, a guitar and a fishing pole, this little unconventional family flowed through life with gratitude, intention and purpose. Their meals were taken together and together they partook of life-happy and satisfied.
Can life really be that way? Voluntarily simplifying your life is not a "pollyanna" concept limited to the charmed life of television characters, nor is it a glamorized form of "doing without". It is a way to live that points to having only what you need and being happy with those things. It also emphasizes taking the time to take care of what you have. It is about saving and re-using. It is a long overdue step away from consumerism.
A general positive attitude and a sense of community and connection lead to happiness as well as fulfilling other basic human needs. Without connectivity, life takes on a meaningless quality and becomes a hopeless endeavor.
Other people and our relationships to them are the measure of success. We will undoubtedly refer back to how well we fostered our relationship with our spouses, children and others in our neighborhoods and communities at the end of our lives when the inventory is taken. What can we do now? Work less. Be happy with what we have. Laugh, love and be extraordinarily conscious of the blessings we already possess, not in real estate titles and deeds, but in human commodities: son, daughter, friend.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is Cancer too Profitable to Cure?

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, a Polish born physician and biochemist, has spent his life researching cancer and developing treatment options that have been phenomenally successful.

In the 1970's, Dr. Burzynski made an exciting discovery that had the potential to change the way doctors everywhere treat cancer. He discovered that people who suffer from cancer lacked a certain peptide which was in plentiful supply in the bodies of people who didn't have cancer. Based on this new discovery, Dr Burzynski developed a drug, referred to as antineoplastons, which worked within the biological system of human beings to switch on cancer-suppressing genes, while at the same time, turning off the genes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Best of all, these experimental antineoplastons were completely non-toxic with no side effects '" unlike conventional chemotherapy and radiation. In the simplest terms, Dr. Burzynski invented a drug that, a large percentage of the time, worked to eradicate the most aggressive and fatal forms of cancer the way that strong antibiotics work on bacterial infections.

Naturally, Burzynski's next step was to get FDA consent in order to be able to make the new drug more widely available, but curiously, the FDA would not give him their stamp of approval. Oddly enough, even with their $5.2 billion annual budget, the National Cancer Institute refused to help him fund his research. Undaunted and self-funded, Burzynski continued his antineoplaston research, as well as the practice of administering them to ailing patients, making sure that he was well within the state laws of Texas, which stated he could treat his patients with experimental drugs, but he could not ship out of state, or engage in any form of interstate commerce. He had no need to ship them because, as word got out, people began coming to Houston from all areas of the country to get in on this ground-breaking medical miracle. In 1984, Burzynski was shocked to find out that agents from the Texas board of medical examiners, fueled by pressure from the Food and Drug Administration, had been contacting his patients and trying to coerce them into filing a complaint on him, which none of them were willing to do. The FDA's mission was to strip him of his license, even though no laws had been broken. It became clear that they wanted to stop him from curing cancer patients, even though his drugs had been proven to be safe and were more effective than anything available, thus far.

Following the Money

Does the FDA really have the welfare of the citizens in mind? Why would any agency want to stifle such a revolutionary new treatment that was proven to be exponentially more successful at treating the worst kinds of cancer than traditional therapies? To answer the second question we have consider the role of another big player '" the pharmaceutical companies. The FDA realized that an effective cancer medication -- which Dr. Burzynsky holds the patent on -- would deal a crushing blow to the pharmaceutical industry that make untold billions from ineffective and toxic chemotherapy and radiation drugs. And what about those billions in yearly donations that would no longer go to the large cancer organizations to "find a cure", but would go directly to furthering Dr. Burzynski's research? Sadly, it seems that cancer has become a profitable industry and cancer patients, a coveted commodity. And, therein lies the answer to the first question.

To date, the federal government has spent more than $60 million of taxpayer money in a failed attempt to get rid of Dr. Burzynski and his ingenious invention that has cured many of cancer altogether and extended the lives of many more. Dr. Burzynski has not received any federal funding nor has he received any money from organizations that allegedly fund relevant cancer research. You can be the judge as to what comes first on the bureaucratic priority list-- the price of pharmaceutical stocks or the price of a life devastated by cancer.


Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hidden beneath the obscurity of daily life are treasures that the world will never know if not for dedicated
archaeologists. How much unseen value is hidden in the essence of a living, breathing soul? Buried beneath the mundane are lives lived and experiences not recorded in any book.

I went on a recent "dig" quite by accident where I encountered a friendly couple who ran a local business. As they waited on me, something drew me into a conversation beyond just the normal discourse. The man did most of the talking as his wife added some important details as she saw necessary. This man skillfully walked me through an abstract of the last forty years of his life, then fascinated me by leading me into a vicarious experience of some of the highlights from his story. His was not extraordinarily different from other lives but the passion with which he conveyed his thoughts and feelings were mesmerizing to me. I left the little store feeling like I had unearthed a great treasure - a treasure in a human vessel. I felt that his life was tangible - that I could take it out of my pocket and look at it and admire it.

How many times do we walk across the landscape of our lives completely unaware of the treasures that we trample? What if I had decided that I didn't have time for conversation that day? I would be this day just a bit poorer - a bit less filled. To whom do I owe for the richness that I feel today? I am indebted to that man and his wife who shared with me their life.

Friday, May 6, 2011


The heavy rain outside mirrors the deluge of emotion rising in my soul as I reconnect with an old friend. My reminiscent mind regressed to a time when we were each contending with our own dire and complicated circumstances - more than young people should be asked to bear. Ironically, the invisible thread that would attract us to eachother would be the same merciless force that would push us apart for so many years.

The way we coped with life became our common ground. In tumultuous times, we would each retreat to our own secluded island - desolate and uninhabited - where daily survival was questionable, at best. A life of solitude became familiar to us as we began to identify ourselves with our islands. Eventually, we each became our own island.

Occasionally, I would venture to the edge of my island where the elements could re-connect me with my long lost sense of touch. Wet sand squished between my toes and the cool, soft ocean breeze breathed on me. Unaquainted with love, I could only sense a mysterious feeling along with an intense fear of the unknown. But there he was - the object of my affection - a faint impression residing on the opposite shore- stranded on his own little island.

Separated by a great emotional gulf, we lived our lives in parallel fashion - never touching - never crossing - only able to gaze at one another as if from a distance. I was unwilling - unable - to bridge the chaotic expanse between us so we shared what we could - sunrises, sunsets - until the day that the pain of only seeing and never touching became too much to bear. One of us never returned to the beach that held our dreams. First one, then two broken hearts retreated to separate dark caves on desolate, uninhabited islands, each still longing for a touch from the other.

25 years have come and gone and through many hard knocks in the school of life it seems that we have both long since learned that no man is an island, nor can we be. It is at the point of intimacy and interaction that human relationship takes shape and we enrich one another's lives. By reconnecting with my old friend, I can now clearly see the interconnectedness of all humanity and I realize that a friend is more that just a special relationship. A friend is an eternal link in an endless chain.

The Father's Business

"............wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" Luke 2:49

God is the ineffible force behind our drive and behavior which is sometimes skewed and disfigured by our interpretations of our experience. The sacred voice resonates from within, coming to us in the form of emotions attempting to be our guide and our source. Latent talent - what we were made for - screams for expression only to be subjugated by low self-esteem and negative self talk. What is our object of worship?

Karate Kid

My little 4 yr. old son received his first belt in karate after attending 3 classes. As his father, sister, and I watched him receive his belt from his instructor in a sort of impromtu, pseudo ceremony at the end of class, I could see the swell of pride and accomplishment anchoring him in the moment. His solemn face told the story of what was going on in his mind as he fully digested every moment and savored the experience as if it would never end. His classmates filed past him one by one, regarding his accomplishment each with a hand shake.

Oh, to be like little children! If we follow the instructions of Jesus then we are to become like little children in order to enter the "Kingdom of Heaven". It's important to note here that this kindgom of which Jesus spoke is not a distant, far away country to which we may or may not journey, nor is it a place to go only after we die. It is here. It is now. When Jesus was teaching people to pray, he gave them a model that is commonly referred to as the Lord's Prayer. In that prayer, the people were instructed to command the kingdom of heaven to "Come!"

Becoming like little children involves returning to a time when we were not weighed down by the expectations of others. Just a simple accomplishment - a positive emotion - an acknowledgement from the God inside that says "You can!" "You will!" Anchored and grounded by truth - the truth within - we are perpetuated into an evolution - an expansion. You give. You love. You are strengthened enough to strengthen others. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he....." Proverbs 23:7...........And thy kingdom comes.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Role of Dreams in Edgar Allan Poe's World

Edgar Allan Poe has become one of the most highly regarded and most well respected authors in American literature, largely because of his unique ability to transport the reader to an ethereal realm of fantasy and mystery. Masterfully eliciting strong human emotions of love, betrayal, and loss, Poe uses a fantastic array of imagery and language that gives his works a sense of eeriness. His works include distinctive elements such as a raven who heralded fate and a human heart that lay disembodied and beating beneath a floorboard. Elements such as these give Poe’s most famous works a characteristically chilling connection to the supernatural. Poe’s poetry, written from a more poignant standpoint, employs the same elements of fantasy coupled with the supernatural. Through his poetic use of dreams, the lines between fantasy and reality are effectively blurred.

Two poems in particular, “Dream-land” and “Dream Within a Dream”, utilize dreams as a means for allowing both author and reader to detach themselves from the harsh realities of human suffering. One significant distinction separating the two poems is that in “Dream Within a Dream” the speaker is not alone. This fact is evidenced in the poem’s opening line: “Take this kiss upon the brow!” (Poe 1), where the author is clearly speaking to a companion. Even so, the poem emanates a melancholy tone because the companion is obviously leaving the speaker’s life in some way, perhaps through death, as indicated in the following verse: “And in parting from you now, this much let me avow…” (Poe 2-3) more

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Green Your Cleaning Routine With Vinegar

As well as being commonly used in a culinary capacity for salad dressings, marinades, sauces and pickles, vinegar is an excellent household cleaner. There are many different types of vinegars, but distilled white vinegar is best for cleaning.

All-Purpose Cleaner

To make an all-purpose cleaner, simply fill a 32 oz. spray-bottle half-way up with water; add about a cup of vinegar, ¼ to ½ cup of dishwashing soap and several drops of essential oil for fragrance. Lemon, orange or lavender work well.

The acid in the vinegar kills viruses, bacteria and mold as well as dissolving mineral deposits and more

Monday, April 4, 2011

Backyard Gardening: A Beginner's Guide

A big mistake for first-time gardeners is starting too large. The allure of growing bountiful crops and beautiful blooms causes beginners to make lofty garden plans that end up being too much to maintain. The best advice is to start small and add to your garden as your confidence builds.

Raised Beds – A Perfect Solution for Beginners

For the novice gardener, installing a raised bed in which to plant vegetables or flowers is a much easier approach than tilling the ground. Any bottomless box will suffice for a raised bed. You can obtain ready-made raised beds from stores that specialize in gardening supplies or internet sources. If you are handy, you can save money by building one yourself, just be sure to build your garden box from untreated lumber. Treated lumber can leach unwanted chemicals into the soil.
A four by four foot box is a good size for beginning gardeners. The depth of your box should be at least eight inches. The size of the garden box should be large enough to allow plants to grow, but small enough to more

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Beginner's Guide to Lucid Dreaming

As people first learn that there is such a thing as becoming lucid in dreams, they often wonder why learning to have this type of dream would be desirable. The answer for most people is that when you become aware that you are dreaming, your dreams can take on an added dimension that is only limited by the imagination. Lucid dreamers can concoct their own adventure and excitement by traveling to other planets or conversing with loved ones more