Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, a Polish born physician and biochemist, has spent his life researching cancer and developing treatment options that have been phenomenally successful.
In the 1970's, Dr. Burzynski made an exciting discovery that had the potential to change the way doctors everywhere treat cancer. He discovered that people who suffer from cancer lacked a certain peptide which was in plentiful supply in the bodies of people who didn't have cancer. Based on this new discovery, Dr Burzynski developed a drug, referred to as antineoplastons, which worked within the biological system of human beings to switch on cancer-suppressing genes, while at the same time, turning off the genes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Best of all, these experimental antineoplastons were completely non-toxic with no side effects '" unlike conventional chemotherapy and radiation. In the simplest terms, Dr. Burzynski invented a drug that, a large percentage of the time, worked to eradicate the most aggressive and fatal forms of cancer the way that strong antibiotics work on bacterial infections.
Naturally, Burzynski's next step was to get FDA consent in order to be able to make the new drug more widely available, but curiously, the FDA would not give him their stamp of approval. Oddly enough, even with their $5.2 billion annual budget, the National Cancer Institute refused to help him fund his research. Undaunted and self-funded, Burzynski continued his antineoplaston research, as well as the practice of administering them to ailing patients, making sure that he was well within the state laws of Texas, which stated he could treat his patients with experimental drugs, but he could not ship out of state, or engage in any form of interstate commerce. He had no need to ship them because, as word got out, people began coming to Houston from all areas of the country to get in on this ground-breaking medical miracle. In 1984, Burzynski was shocked to find out that agents from the Texas board of medical examiners, fueled by pressure from the Food and Drug Administration, had been contacting his patients and trying to coerce them into filing a complaint on him, which none of them were willing to do. The FDA's mission was to strip him of his license, even though no laws had been broken. It became clear that they wanted to stop him from curing cancer patients, even though his drugs had been proven to be safe and were more effective than anything available, thus far.
Following the Money
Does the FDA really have the welfare of the citizens in mind? Why would any agency want to stifle such a revolutionary new treatment that was proven to be exponentially more successful at treating the worst kinds of cancer than traditional therapies? To answer the second question we have consider the role of another big player '" the pharmaceutical companies. The FDA realized that an effective cancer medication -- which Dr. Burzynsky holds the patent on -- would deal a crushing blow to the pharmaceutical industry that make untold billions from ineffective and toxic chemotherapy and radiation drugs. And what about those billions in yearly donations that would no longer go to the large cancer organizations to "find a cure", but would go directly to furthering Dr. Burzynski's research? Sadly, it seems that cancer has become a profitable industry and cancer patients, a coveted commodity. And, therein lies the answer to the first question.
To date, the federal government has spent more than $60 million of taxpayer money in a failed attempt to get rid of Dr. Burzynski and his ingenious invention that has cured many of cancer altogether and extended the lives of many more. Dr. Burzynski has not received any federal funding nor has he received any money from organizations that allegedly fund relevant cancer research. You can be the judge as to what comes first on the bureaucratic priority list-- the price of pharmaceutical stocks or the price of a life devastated by cancer.