My little 4 yr. old son received his first belt in karate after attending 3 classes. As his father, sister, and I watched him receive his belt from his instructor in a sort of impromtu, pseudo ceremony at the end of class, I could see the swell of pride and accomplishment anchoring him in the moment. His solemn face told the story of what was going on in his mind as he fully digested every moment and savored the experience as if it would never end. His classmates filed past him one by one, regarding his accomplishment each with a hand shake.
Oh, to be like little children! If we follow the instructions of Jesus then we are to become like little children in order to enter the "Kingdom of Heaven". It's important to note here that this kindgom of which Jesus spoke is not a distant, far away country to which we may or may not journey, nor is it a place to go only after we die. It is here. It is now. When Jesus was teaching people to pray, he gave them a model that is commonly referred to as the Lord's Prayer. In that prayer, the people were instructed to command the kingdom of heaven to "Come!"
Becoming like little children involves returning to a time when we were not weighed down by the expectations of others. Just a simple accomplishment - a positive emotion - an acknowledgement from the God inside that says "You can!" "You will!" Anchored and grounded by truth - the truth within - we are perpetuated into an evolution - an expansion. You give. You love. You are strengthened enough to strengthen others. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he....." Proverbs 23:7...........And thy kingdom comes.
Oh, to be like little children! If we follow the instructions of Jesus then we are to become like little children in order to enter the "Kingdom of Heaven". It's important to note here that this kindgom of which Jesus spoke is not a distant, far away country to which we may or may not journey, nor is it a place to go only after we die. It is here. It is now. When Jesus was teaching people to pray, he gave them a model that is commonly referred to as the Lord's Prayer. In that prayer, the people were instructed to command the kingdom of heaven to "Come!"
Becoming like little children involves returning to a time when we were not weighed down by the expectations of others. Just a simple accomplishment - a positive emotion - an acknowledgement from the God inside that says "You can!" "You will!" Anchored and grounded by truth - the truth within - we are perpetuated into an evolution - an expansion. You give. You love. You are strengthened enough to strengthen others. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he....." Proverbs 23:7...........And thy kingdom comes.
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