How surprised would you be to find out that people with higher cholesterol levels live longer? After you get over the initial shock of this seemingly absurd statement and clear your mind of the societal brainwashing that has taken place, maybe you can begin to understand the integral role that cholesterol plays in human health.
A Few Facts about Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance that belongs to a group of chemical compounds known as lipids. Throughout the human body, cholesterol is used in many capacities such as building cell membranes and insulating nerve tissue. It is also needed to produce hormones that act as regulators for specific biological functions such as digesting fat. Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and a person need not consume food containing cholesterol for the body to produce what it requires. Interestingly, the body regulates its cholesterol levels automatically. If a diet high in cholesterol-containing foods is consumed, the liver produces less. If a person ....read more
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